Get Involved...
The show doesn't stop when the curtain comes down... in fact, the party has just begun.
We're obsessive about talent development. We want to cultivate Greater Manchester as a hub of LGBTQ+ creative and cultural excellence and we’re passionate about developing LGBTQ+ creatives, producers and backstage crew through our programme First Dibs.
We also love our community. Through workshops, exhibitions, debates, short films, mentorship schemes and post-show events, we seek to improve LGBTQ+ community cohesion by bringing different people together through creative collaboration.

LGBTQ+ Inclusive Creative Talent Development

Supported by
We're not saying it's an exclusive club, but you've got to be on the list be in the know about our opportunities.
Being in the database has other benefits - we'll forward opportunities from our partners, and offer free tickets to shows, workshops and networking events too.​
Scroll down for more detail about the Summer/Autumn 2024 programme

Find out more about each strand of the programme below

Supported by
If you have any access needs please email - we're a friendly bunch and we'll do our very best to make you feel supported and welcome.
1 hour 1-2-1 drop-in Surgery sessions

Are you an LGBTQ+ freelance theatre creative or majority LGBTQ-led start-up or collective in Greater Manchester? Feel like your career is treading water? Unsure of the next step to make your next project a reality?
Our Link Up 1-2-1 surgery sessions offer an opportunity for LGBTQ+ creatives, producers, and backstage crew to brush up their CV, or portfolio, create an action plan for a project, or set some career goals with a professional mentor.
You can meet us in person or complete your 1 hour session online, oh, and did we mention… it's completely free to access? We'll even cover the cost of public transport in Greater Manchester!
Next Link Up Sessions:
Wed 16 Oct - Ross Carey
Thur 31 Oct - Art With Heart
Thur 21 Nov - Nathaniel J Hall

About our next Link Up guest mentors
Art With Heart are one of Greater Manchester's leading arts companies with a passion for equality, accessibility and representation. They have created and toured numerous shows centring neurodivergence and disability, and also host and curate a range of community-led creative activity.
Their Link Up day will be split between the two creative directors Sarah Emmott and Rachel Moorehouse, with Sarah delivering the morning sessions and Rachel the afternoon. Both have a wealth of creative prosecuting experience, but their specialisms are listed below.
Sarah (AM): Finance, fundraising, business and policy, performing, writing, facilitation
Rachel (PM): Marketing, social media, audience and participant development
Both: Theatre making, creative producing, project management and access.

New workshop series for autumn 2024
Developing a sustainable arts business, collective or individual career can be a challenge. Taking time to interrogate your practice, learn new skills, and make strategic plans is essential. Give your career or arts business a Glow Up this autumn with our workshop series aimed at supporting more sustainable careers in the arts.
The Programme (scroll down for full details on each session)
Monday 14 October - Workshop 1
Who am I? Developing artistic vision and values with Ross Carey, Producer of Dibby Theatre
Monday 21 October - Workshop 2
How do I make money? A crash course in fundraising with Sarah Emmott, Creative Director, of Art With Heart
Monday 28 October - Workshop 3
How do I plan for the future? Setting goals and planning for success with Nathaniel J Hall, Artistic Director of Dibby Theatre
All sessions will be delivered online (zoom). You can attend one, two, or all three of the sessions. Sessions will not be recorded.
10am – 12:30pm

Workshop 1 - Monday 14 October
Who am I? Developing artistic vision and values with Ross Carey
Knowing who you are, what values drive you to make the work you make is an important part of building a sustainable career in the performing arts. This workshop will cover:
An introduction to artistic values
Why interrogating your values is important
How to turn your values into an artistic vision
Who is it for?
Anyone who is interested in developing a long-term career in the performing arts, or those building an arts collective or business. Beginners to mid-stage level.
How will it run?
The session will be a mix of presentation, exercises, and group discussion. The session will be online, but participants can choose to turn off their cameras during sections to alleviate online fatigue.

Workshop 2 - Monday 21 October
How do I make money? A crash course in fundraising with Sarah emmott
Sarah is Art with Heart’s lead fundraiser and has been arts fundraising for over a decade. She has raised significant funds in all the ways she will be covering in the workshop. Sarah is an open, honest facilitator who will give you practical tips, help build your confidence and use the time as effectively as possible. This workshop will cover:
Trusts and Foundations
Building your own crib sheet
Arts Council Project Grants
This workshop will be an overview of these four ways of funding with practical skills that you can immediately apply.
Who is it for?
Producers, early career artists, people who have never applied for funding, or people who have had a couple of successful bids. Having a project in the pipeline is useful, but not essential. Beginners to mid-stage.
How will it run?
Sarah will only be sharing her screen when necessary. The session will be online, but participants can choose to turn off their cameras during sections to alleviate online fatigue.

Workshop 3 - Monday 28 October
How do I plan for the future? Setting goals and planning strategically for success
If we’re to weather the unpredictability of a career in the arts, having a plan or strategy is essential for success. This workshop will cover:
Career plans and business plans
Developing strategic objectives
Understanding your place in the local arts ecology
The importance of partnerships
Holding yourself to account
Who is it for?
Anyone who is interested in developing a long-term career in the performing arts, or those building an arts collective or business. Beginners to mid-stage level.
How will it run?
The session will be a mix of presentation, exercises, and group discussion. The session will be online, but participants can choose to turn off their cameras during sections to alleviate online fatigue.

A place to connect, network and socialise
Are you an LGBTQ+ freelance theatre maker or majority LGBTQ-led start up or collective in Greater Manchester? Feeling isolated by freelance life? Want to connect, network and socialise with other like-minded LGBTQ+ people?
Our Get Togethers are a place for LGBTQ+ freelance creatives, producers and backstage crew at all career stages to connect, network and socialise.
We'll provide structured discussions and workshops, free food and even free tickets to see a show after the event… and we'll cover the cost of public transport within Greater Manchester.
Our next Get Together:
​Tues 12 Nov At HOMe
(+free tix to see 'After the Act')
Booking opens soon

Develop your creative practice
Are you an LGBTQ+ freelance theatre creative or majority LGBTQ-led start-up or collective in Greater Manchester? Are you desperate to develop your creative business or properly plan your next creative project but lack the time, resource and money?
Glow Up Your Creative Practice offers LGBTQ+ freelance creatives, producers and backstage crew the opportunity to 'glow up' an essential part of their creative practice.
This could be building a new website, developing a 5 year business plan, spending time researching and consulting on a potential new project… or something else you feel is essential to unlock your next career goals.
New for 2024!
Applications for 2024 now closed
Glow Up Class
of 2024

Cara Powell
Developing Grassroots Community Leadership
Cara is a maker, producer, programmer, facilitator and performer with a passion for regenerative grassroots groups and spaces.
They’ll be developing their skills as a leader of community-based projects whilst exploring ways to tackle burnout in voluntary queer movements.
Sasha Georgette
Accessibility consultant career development
Sasha is a disabled multi-disciplinary artist who has worked as an actor, writer, director and dramaturg.
She will be researching current accessibility models in theatre supporting the development of a career in accessibility consultancy in theatre, TV and film.
Holly Redford-Jones
Developing creative business strategy for solo-work
Holly Redford-Jones is an award-winning musician and comedian.
She will be developing a long-term delivery strategy for her new show ‘I Was Dancing in a Lesbian Bar’ with a focus on developing her creative producing and marketing skills.

Paid talent development placements
Are you an early-stage career LGBTQ+ creative, producer or backstage crew member in Greater Manchester? Or perhaps you’re established but want to learn a new skill, diversify your portfolio, or switch lanes?
Our programme of paid talent development offers creative skills development, project placements and entry-level job opportunities to help LGBTQ+ people step up in their creative careers.