As we approach Toxic at HOME Manchester (18-28 Oct) we're sharing Q&As with the creative team about the show, their own love stories, wild nights out and most importantly, their fave Britney song.
This week it’s one-half of our movement direction power duo Plaster Cast Theatre Ayden Bouwers, sharing the heartbreak of high school crushes (we've all been there), celebrity parties and why Toxic is a vital show for queer people.

What's your role?
Movement Directing.
Why do you think people should see Toxic?
It's tackling a conversation that is vital for queer people to have and will open up conversations around toxic relationships and trauma. And also it's f***ing excellent and has been crafted with so much love and care.
Craziest night out?
When I was plus-oned into a chic Ed Fringe party put on by Dave (the TV channel) and got wine drunk while surrounded by telly celeb comedians (I was v. stressed).
First heartbreak?
My highschool crush who wanted to keep things casual </3
Fave Britney track?
Gimme More :)
Find out more about Toxic and book tickets here